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Displaying items by tag: draft agreement

Friday, 16 November 2018 00:56

Embattled PM stands by draft Brexit agreement

On 15 November, the day after Theresa May persuaded her cabinet to endorse the draft EU agreement, two cabinet ministers (including Dominic Raab, the Brexit secretary) and three junior ministers resigned in protest, and Mrs May had to defend her actions against a chorus of criticism by MPs. At the time of writing her survival was far from certain. However, she resolutely defended the deal, saying, ‘The course I have set out is the right one for our country and all our people. Am I going to see this through? Yes.’ Meanwhile, Michel Barnier and his colleagues also have to ask the 27 EU members to approve the draft agreement, which might raise further difficulties. On 25 November, the draft deal will go to an EU summit, and in December it will need to be approved by Parliament.  Given the degree of turmoil, your prayers are needed more than ever. To help you in this, you might want to use the declaration issued by Passion for the Nation, entitled ‘The Mother of Parliaments’. See http://passionforthenation.uk/

Published in British Isles