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Displaying items by tag: disability minister

Charities have expressed outrage as the Government demoted the disability minister role - during Disability History Month. The vacancy arose when Tom Pursglove became legal migration minister. Mims Davies, the new appointee, will maintain her focus on social mobility from her previous role as minister for social mobility, youth, and progression. Disability charities criticised the move, highlighting it as the longest gap without a minister in thirty years. Downing Street refuted claims of downgrading the position, insisting that a minister for disabled people would remain. However, the charities argue that the minister should not have divided responsibilities and demand the restoration of a dedicated minister of state. James Taylor from Scope emphasised the need for a full-time leader for disability strategy in government. The National Autistic Society's Tim Nicholls called for clarity on the role's scope and reassurance that disabled people's needs are a priority. Meanwhile, a government spokesperson stated that  Davies would continue supporting disabled people, noting achievements in employment and financial aid for the disabled.

Published in British Isles