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Displaying items by tag: deadlock

Thursday, 01 October 2020 21:00

Brexit negotiations

Commenting on the latest week of negotiations, one UK source said, ‘Obviously we are ready to up the pace but people are getting over-excited - there still is a long way to go and fish remains very tricky.’ On 29 September Downing Street played down the idea that a deal was imminent despite hopes that an end to talks was in sight. EU access to British fishing waters has not been solved, there remains much to be done and many do not expect a breakthrough before the mid-October summit of EU leaders. Government ministers have agreed to give Parliament a say before ever using the powers they would be granted by the Internal Market Bill. However, the latest news is that the EU has begun legal proceedings against the UK because of some controversial clauses in this bill, which could result in a court case at the European Court of Justice.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 30 July 2020 21:52

Brexit deadlock

Brexit talks have stalled over a series of key issues; neither the UK and EU has shown any willingness to make concessions. The future of British fisheries has remained one bone of contention since the start of the talks, as the EU continues to demand access to UK waters at the end of the transition period. Tim Bale, the deputy-director of the UK in a Changing Europe think tank, suggested Boris Johnson is unlikely to give in to EU demands because of their ‘symbolic’ importance. It’s all about the slogan that won the referendum, ‘Take back control’.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 17 January 2019 22:49

Brexit deadlock and God’s purposes

‘Father, help us to resist the destructive ploys of the enemy to divide our nation. Give Your strength and peace to our politicians. Give fresh anointing to our government as they carry the mantle for running the country and banish confusion and fear from parliament, replacing it with wisdom from heaven as decisions are made on behalf of the people. Establish your purpose and direction for our nations in the coming weeks. Amen’. On 17 January our newspapers led with news of the Brexit deadlock. While all agree there is political chaos, they disagree about who is to blame: is it Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn or MPs in general? The Guardian said that despite surviving a dramatic no-confidence vote, Mrs May was left scrambling to strike a Brexit compromise, and Tory MPs remain deeply divided about how she should adapt her deal.

Published in British Isles