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Displaying items by tag: dangerous cartels

Thursday, 15 September 2022 21:45

America: border crisis

US / Mexico border concerns are unaddressed; Americans are complaining. Judges and commissioners of 26 Texas counties have signed declarations of needing ‘protection from the influx of violent Mexicans’. They want constitutional authority to protect themselves from Mexican ‘paramilitary, narco-terrorist organisations that profit from trafficking people and drugs into the US and exploit insecure borders for their power and profit, harming local communities’. The counties say the Texas constitution allows them to 'defend themselves against invasion.’ Both the Republican Party and the Texas Public Policy Foundation want Texas to declare an invasion by unprecedented illegal immigration. They argue that Mexican cartels and their extensive criminal networks across US cities are threatening the lives of Texans and Americans. Meanwhile Governor Abbott has directed officials to apprehend illegal border crossers and return them to ports of entry. He is the only Texas governor to build a wall on Texas soil.

Published in Worldwide