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Displaying items by tag: cyber security

Friday, 21 December 2018 11:30

Important role of cyber security

Unfortunately cybercrime is increasing. We are twenty times more likely to be robbed while at our computer by overseas criminals than in the street. On 18 December a new security operations centre for Belfast was announced. Businesses with highly connected personal devices, cloud use and rapidly advancing technology are increasingly at risk: see https://www.businesscloud.co.uk/news/capita-unveils-major-cyber-security-investment The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is a government organisation providing advice and support for the public and private sector about how to avoid computer security threats. NCSC works closely with educators and researchers to build a cyber-savvy workforce of the future and enhance the UK's knowledge. Pray for NCSC in 2019 as it implements innovative cyber security and support teaching initiatives after Brexit.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 14 December 2018 10:13

UK cyber-security

Recently, questions were raised around UK complacency regarding cyber-security. Australia and New Zealand have refused to allow the Chinese firm Huawei to supply mobile networks with 5G equipment, saying it posed ‘significant security risks’ - a polite way of saying that Beijing might use 5G to disrupt communications in a future dispute. Canada recently arrested the Huawei founder’s daughter. America wants her extradited, stating that China is aggressively engaged in undermining US national security interests. The UK could be the only country allowing Huawei to play a key role in delivering the data on which everything from self-driving cars to smart city sensors will rely. Many believe that if Huawei is banned, China might refuse to do business with us in other fields post-Brexit. See also world article 2, and

Published in British Isles