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Displaying items by tag: culture discrimination

Friday, 11 August 2017 10:07

Gypsy church rejects criticism of festival

‘I got saved behind the glue factory at an open-air meeting, around a fire.’ said a softly-spoken Romany gypsy from the Gypsy Light and Life, evangelical Pentecostal church that has been spreading Christianity among UK gypsies since the 1980s. They are facing criticism after setting up their annual conference at Thame Showground in Oxfordshire. Local residents are complaining that their town has been 'taken over' while the showground owners are now claiming the booking was deceitfully made. It has claimed that lawyers and police are now involved. A festival organiser said they have done nothing wrong. ‘We've paid for it, signed a contract, we have insurance we have everything covered. As far as I know we have no problems.’ Festival organisers say many people without faith will attend the event and they hope many will come to know Jesus. A Town Councillor said, ‘it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction. Local opinions expressed outright support and outright indignation.’ See also http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-38016090

Published in British Isles