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Displaying items by tag: criminalised

Thursday, 26 September 2019 23:06

Advocate for children at police stations

Looked-after children, particularly those living in residential care, are disproportionately criminalised, compared to others. They are less likely to receive support from family or a trusted adult at police stations, and they should be entitled to additional protections set out in law, policy and guidance. A guide has been produced to help lawyers advocate effectively for looked-after children in custody. It offers guidance on practical steps that lawyers should take to ensure that they receive the support and assistance they need and are entitled to. There is a growing number of children coming into care, and lawyers need to know the factors that can contribute to their criminalisation. The Howard League for Penal Reform said, ‘The over-representation of looked-after children in the criminal justice system is a disgrace that has been known about for years.’ Pray for all children to have their care needs met in the community and in custody.

Published in British Isles