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Displaying items by tag: courage

Thursday, 20 January 2022 20:04

China: winning eternal gold

As the eyes of the world turn toward Beijing and the Olympic Winter Games, we are invited by Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) to join believers around the globe in praying for our Christian brothers and sisters suffering persecution by China’s Communist government. Though they are not considered Olympians, many Chinese Christians walk or bicycle great distances to deliver the gospel, lift countless boxes of Bibles for delivery to new believers, and endure great suffering for the name of Christ - even in Chinese prisons and concentration camps. VOM have suggested specific ways to pray for Chinese Christians during the Olympics: a) that pastors and church leaders will stand for biblical truth despite government pressure to compromise, and b) that Chinese believers will be encouraged, experiencing unity and fellowship as members of the body of Christ. For more ways to pray and to join Christians around the world who are committing to pray for China’s Christians during the Olympics, click here

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 June 2017 14:43

Egypt: Copts remain strong in their faith

On 28 May, the day after a deadly attack on a bus of Christian pilgrims, SAT-7 Arabic radio presented a vital Christian viewpoint on the threats that believers face from extremists. The gunmen had demanded that the believers renounce their Christian faith and shot them when they refused. This was the latest in a series of attacks on Coptic Christians since December 2016, including three suicide bombings of church services that left 75 people dead. Responsibility was claimed by IS. During the funeral of the slain Christians, one believer said, ‘Why are we being killed? We don’t hate anyone. Our religion is one of love.’ Sorial Gabriel, a priest, said: ‘We will never ask for anything but peace. We have nothing but peace. The world is witnessing how the Church is glowing, and the Cross is glowing.’ The Christians remain firm in their faith; one said, ‘If we are weak then God is strong and protects us’. A professor at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo said: ‘I was on Egyptian national television and an extremist said to me, “In God’s name, I hate you.” I replied, ‘In God’s name, I love you.”’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 June 2017 14:20

Philippines: Christians as human shields

Rebel fighters in the Philippines are reportedly using dozens of Christians - including a priest - as human shields, amid an ongoing battle to retake Marawi City. The IS-linked Maute group is believed to be hiding behind 100 Christian hostages after President Duterte ordered intense bombing raids on the rebel zone. Abdullah Maute, one of the group’s leaders, said he would free Father Suganob in return for his parents, currently held by police. His request was refused by the president, who said that any bargaining with terrorists was ‘against government policy’. Most people fled from the city in May; those left have been forced to convert to Islam and be lackeys to the Mautes. The women and girls have become sex slaves and lost all dignity. The White House said, ‘These cowardly terrorists killed Philippine law enforcement officials and endangered the lives of innocent citizens. The US is a proud ally of the Philippines, and we will continue to work with them to address shared threats to the peace and security of our countries.’

Published in Worldwide