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Displaying items by tag: concert hall

Thursday, 28 March 2024 22:35

Russia: deadly attack on Moscow concert hall

The death toll from an attack on a Moscow concert hall on 22 March has risen to 143, making it the deadliest attack on European soil by IS and the worst in Russia in twenty years. At least 360 were wounded; eighty of them, including six children, remain in hospital. The number could be even higher because many people in shock had initially not returned to the hospital for treatment. A Moscow court has ordered the suspects - four radical Islamists from Tajikistan and seven accomplices – to be held in pre-trial detention until 22 May. Although IS has claimed responsibility for the attack, Russia still alleges a link to Ukraine, a claim Kyiv denies. Russia has for some years been targeted by IS owing to its role in suppressing unrest in regions with a substantial Muslim majority, as well as its support for the regime in Syria's civil war.

Published in Europe