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Displaying items by tag: climate goals

Thursday, 12 July 2018 21:50

UN agency risks climate goals

Transparency International has highlighted several flaws that could hinder the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO’s) ability to deliver on its own climate goals in reducing carbon emissions. The report outlines several key policy issues and recommendations that the IMO, the United Nation’s leading shipping agency, must address in order to meet international standards for transparency, accountability, and integrity. These changes are essential if the IMO is going to honour its environmental and climate mandates and reach a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of at least 50% by 2050. The IMO’s accountability policies are currently hindering policymaking and leaving the agency susceptible to private influence. While the IMO’s initial strategy adopted in April is a big step forward for the international shipping sector, more must be done to ensure the agency meets its targets. If left unchecked, shipping emissions could grow from 2.5% to 17%.

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