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Displaying items by tag: childs drawing

In Yefremov town is the official, patriotic picture on a wall depicting giant masked Russian soldiers with guns and supersized letters Z and V - symbols of Russia’s special military operation. But in Yefremov is another image of the war. Olga has a photo on her mobile phone of a child's drawing. To the left is a Ukrainian flag with the words ‘Glory to Ukraine’, on the right, the Russian tricolour and the inscription ‘No to war!’ Missiles fly from the Russian direction towards a mother and child standing defiantly holding up hands saying, ‘No’. 12-year-old Masha drew the picture. When her school saw it, they called the police. After investigating her father’s social media they concluded he was bringing up his daughter badly. He is now under house arrest and Masha is in a children’s home. A neighbour said, ‘The authorities want everyone to toe the line. No-one can have an opinion.’

Published in Europe