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Displaying items by tag: childrens health

Thursday, 01 February 2024 20:31

Disposable vapes to be banned for children's health

The Government is set to ban disposable vapes in an effort to reduce vaping among youth, following an alarming rise in use by 11- to 17-year-olds. The ban will target the marketing and sale of vapes to children, with Rishi Sunak ensuring access to vaping alternatives for adult smokers. Despite being less harmful than cigarettes, vaping’s long-term health impacts remain uncertain. The vaping industry criticises the ban, fearing it will fuel a black market and put children at greater risk. The proposal, seen as a balance between protecting children and aiding smokers, follows a trend in countries like Australia, France, Germany, and New Zealand. Additionally, nicotine pouches will be banned for minors. The Government will consult on specific measures, such as sales methods for refillable vapes. New fines will be introduced for illegal sales to minors, and a £30m package will support enforcement. The ban has faced varied reactions; some advocate stricter import and access controls as more effective solutions.

Published in British Isles