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Displaying items by tag: children with autism

Thursday, 10 March 2022 21:09

Special Educational Needs

Susan Liverman, the mother of a boy with autism, wants to change the way parents of children with suspected special education needs or disabilities (SEND) are treated when their children do not attend school. In a petition to education secretary Nadhim Zahawi, she says parents of children who have yet to have a diagnosis are particularly vulnerable to a fine or the threat of a fine unless they get their children back into education. She started the petition after her nine-year-old son Arthur was unable to go to school due to extreme anxiety and panic attacks. She said, ‘Last year, Arthur had an autistic breakdown. We didn't know what it was at the time as he hadn’t been diagnosed. He has now been diagnosed with autism and is recovering from that breakdown. I felt the treatment we had, and continue to have, was just not fit for purpose and had put more pressure on us as a family.’

Published in British Isles