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Displaying items by tag: child sex crimes

Friday, 23 February 2018 10:50

Child sex crimes reach record high

NSPCC reports that child sex crime allegations have reached a record high in the UK, with an average of 177 cases recorded every day in 2016-17 - an increase of 15% on the previous year. Offences included rape, sexual assault and grooming. In almost 14,000 cases, the complainant was aged ten or under, with 2,788 of the alleged offences perpetrated against children aged four or under. In 10% of cases, there was an online element involved. NSPCC chief executive Peter Wanless said, ‘This dramatic rise is extremely concerning and shows just how extensive child sexual abuse is. These abhorrent crimes can shatter a child's life and leave them feeling humiliated, depressed or even suicidal. Every single child who has endured abuse needs support so that they can learn to rebuild their lives.’ Online groomers are a major problem.

Published in British Isles