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Displaying items by tag: change needed

Thursday, 17 August 2023 20:55

Lithuania: change needed

Freedom has brought good progress in Lithuania. Doors for the gospel remain open. However, freedom has also brought dangers like greed for material goods, selfish pleasure-seeking, and a belief that traditional morals have no value. Substance abuse, suicide, and trafficking of women for prostitution all damage the social foundations. Spiritual transformation must accompany economic growth. Lithuania was the last European nation to be Christianised.

Published in Europe

Key issues remain strongly contested despite draft laws agreed in Morocco by Libya’s rival legislative bodies. Libya has been fraught with conflict for more than a decade since Muammar Gaddafi’s removal during the Arab Spring, prompting rival factions to compete for power. By 2015 two legislative bodies had formed and struggles over Libya’s rule and wealth have continued since then. A 6+6 committee drawn from Libya’s two rival legislative bodies – the Tobruk-based House of Representatives (HoR) and the Tripoli-based High Council of State (HCS) – agreed on 6 June on draft laws for presidential and parliamentary elections, inching forward in the country’s current political crisis. The UN, while welcoming progress, says key issues remain strongly contested, blocking the road to a final settlement and harbouring the potential to spark a new crisis in the divided country. The democratic process needs to reach an agreement on the eligibility criteria for presidential candidates.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 May 2023 23:49

Scotland police force institutionally racist

Speaking at a Scottish Police Authority meeting on 25 May, Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone said, ‘It is the right thing for me, as Chief Constable, to state clearly that institutional racism, sexism, misogyny and discrimination exist within the force. Publicly acknowledging they exist is essential to our absolute commitment to championing equality and becoming an anti-racist service. There is no place in Police Scotland for anyone rejecting our values and standards. Our vigilance has never been stronger - rigorous recruitment, enhanced vetting, more visible conduct outcomes and a focus on prevention. The onus is on us, the police, to address gaps and challenge bias, known or unwitting, at every level, and wherever bias occurs, to maintain and build confidence with all communities’. Sir Iain will retire in August; his statement is the first of its kind by a police chief and a ‘watershed moment’ for policing in Scotland and the UK.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 February 2021 21:36

Government must stop extremists avoiding prosecution

The Commission for Countering Extremism has called on the Government to close a loophole that has allowed individuals to spread extremist ideologies and views online without any repercussions or fear of prosecution. The commission’s recommendation was made after a legal review into the adequacy of existing legislation to combat the issue of hateful extremism was conducted by Sir Mark Rowley, a retired senior police officer in charge of UK Counter Terrorism policing. ‘Extremist groups whether neo-fascist, neo-Nazi, Islamist or others are able to operate lawfully, freely and with impunity,’ lead commissioner Sara Khan warned. Without action from the Government, hateful extremists will continue to be able to create ‘a climate conducive to hate crime, terrorism or other violence and will be able to attempt to prod and even destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of our democratic society’. See

Published in British Isles