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Displaying items by tag: challenges for prayer

Thursday, 17 October 2019 21:58

Romania: challenges for prayer

A legacy of brokenness endures from the days of Ceausescu’s regime, a moral vacuum filled with every kind of social evil. Substance abuse, prostitution, pornography, human trafficking, and challenges to child welfare are widespread. Romania has one of the highest abortion rates in the world, with three or more abortions for every child born. Poverty is still common, with widespread unemployment and economic instability, caused to a large degree by rampant and entrenched corruption. Divisions in government reduce its effectiveness; major strides forward are needed in its legal, education and health care systems as well as police and local administrations. Pray for leadership to have the wisdom to chart the right path and the integrity to implement the right policies. Few pastors have a theological library. Pray for Christian publishing houses and distribution networks to establish a viable, indigenously-funded Christian literature ministry and for more locally written material to be available.

Published in Europe