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Displaying items by tag: challenges and opportunities

The future of the established Church of England was the focus of a recent conference in Oxford. Scholars, clergy, and laypeople gathered to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the Church in modern society. Topics included declining attendance, the Church’s role in public life, and the need for renewal and reform. Keynote speaker Professor Sarah Foot emphasised the importance of the Church adapting to contemporary cultural shifts while maintaining its theological foundations. Discussions highlighted the tension between tradition and innovation, with many calling for a renewed focus on community engagement and social justice. The conference underscored the urgency for the Church to find new ways to connect with a diverse and often secular population, while preserving its core mission and values. Participants left with a sense of both the challenges ahead and a commitment to work towards a vibrant future for the CofE.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 29 September 2022 20:37

Nigeria: challenges and opportunities

Each zone in Nigeria has unique challenges and opportunities. Christian persecution increases, especially in the north. Some Muslim groups have killed thousands and destroyed hundreds, possibly thousands, of churches. Persecution unites Christians, driving them to the Lord in prayer. It also threatens the core of society and statehood. Pray for restoration and recovery for those who suffer from loss, or rape. Pray for forgiveness and freedom from a spirit of revenge. Pray that believers respond in the most Christ-like way possible, and for enemies of Christ to become His followers. In the south oil industries have polluted pristine agricultural land but only an elite (corrupt) few have benefited. Pentecostal churches are growing: may God give them sacrificial concern for the less privileged in the less-reached areas. Muslim missionary activity has intensified to win ethnic religions and backsliding Christians. Pray for cross-cultural outreach and true conversion of youth.

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