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Displaying items by tag: cancer patients

A concerning report reveals that over 380,000 cancer patients in the UK have not been treated on time since 2015. This backlog is attributed to systemic issues within the NHS, including staff shortages, increasing patient numbers, and the impacts of the Covid pandemic. The delays have serious consequences for patients, as timely treatment is crucial for cancer survival rates. The report urges substantial investment in the NHS to address these issues and improve cancer care. Health professionals and patient advocacy groups are calling for immediate action to ensure that cancer patients receive timely and effective treatment. The Government acknowledges the problem and has promised to work on solutions, but there is widespread agreement that more needs to be done quickly to prevent further harm to patients.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 June 2023 10:13

NHS patient experience survey

Data released on 8 June showed that A&Es experienced the busiest May on record, putting emergency care staff under significant pressure. Ambulance crews attended 624,092 call-outs, the highest number in a year. Alongside this, the figures show another record-breaking twelve months of cancer treatment and referrals, with more people than ever before getting checked and starting treatment. Tens of thousands of patients are set to receive a diagnosis and treatment for skin cancer faster, with accelerated NHS rollout of ‘teledermatology’, which involves taking high-spec images of spots, moles or lesions on people’s skin. NHS’s national medical director said, ‘As hospitals dealt with the most disruptive industrial action in history, average waits on waiting lists dropped to under 14 weeks - the lowest since before winter.’ In April 51,700 calls were answered daily by NHS 111.

Published in British Isles