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Displaying items by tag: call to action

Friday, 16 March 2018 10:14

UK: a call to action

Many intercessors believe we are on the tipping point of a spiritual awakening in the Church, a time to change what we say, do, and pray into God-anointed actions, words, and prayers that bring powerful change to our communities. For anointed talks by Malcolm Duncan at the recent ‘Time 2 Turn’ conference for intercessors, click on the ‘More’ button to download the podcasts. He reminded us that the word of God brings restoration, so we must preach the word faithfully. He said that if God's people do not humble themselves, do not pray by the power of His Spirit, do not seek God's face in every decision, and do not turn from compromising His word, then He will not hear their prayers and will not heal their land. We have entered a season to turn in obedience to life-changing prayers and actions.

Published in British Isles