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Displaying items by tag: bullying

Thursday, 18 November 2021 21:27

Former gay learned to love himself as a man

Emmett Chang grew up with mostly female friends and was bullied by males his age; he grew to hate his masculinity. ‘I medicated, pacified, and drowned myself in homosexuality. I hated myself as a man. I didn’t feel like a man.’ But somebody talked to him about God and gave him a booklet. He read it because he wanted to see if God hated him. He found out God didn’t. Emmett said, ‘It said all sins are bad; they’re all worthy of death, including homosexuality. But that same sin was covered by grace.’ Next, a pastor prompted him indirectly by asking if God ever said he was gay? Emmett said, ‘It was a million-dollar question. It took 21 years for God to answer me in that fashion.’ After giving his life to Christ his transformation has been progressive. He now attends the Door Church in Tucson.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 September 2021 22:51

NHS Highland pays millions to bullied staff

In 2018 a group of senior clinicians at NHS Highland reported that a culture of bullying had existed for at least a decade. They described a ‘practice of suppressing criticism, which emanated from the very top of the organisation’ and led to a culture of ‘fear and intimidation’ which has had a detrimental effect on staff. John Sturrock QC found there were hundreds of people who had experienced bullying. A review was contacted by 340 people from most departments, services, and occupations. Over 280 had face-to-face meetings or made written submissions of bullying experiences. Staff said they had not felt valued, respected or supported in carrying out ‘very stressful work’. In 2021 NHS Highland expects to pay £3.4m in settlements to current and former staff who experienced bullying. Whistleblower Brian Devlin said the scale of settlements so far was ‘heartening’, but he had heard that some bullying still continues.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 July 2019 11:01

Parliament bullying inquiry

MPs debated the Gemma White report of bullying incidents in the Commons on 17 July. Coincidentally, a day after another inquiry found that staff were ‘bullied and harassed’ by ‘known offenders’ in the House of Lords. The commons decided to allow the parliamentary complaints scheme to investigate historical allegations of bullying and harassment incidents, which date from before June 2017. It comes after a report said that there was a ‘significant problem’ of MPs bullying and harassing staff, including some making unwanted sexual advances. Fewer than 30 MPs were in attendance at the debate, where the Commons Leader said MPs must ‘bring forward much needed change at the earliest possible opportunity’. Pray for the lewd, aggressive and intimidating behaviour by certain MPs and senior staff that has been tolerated and concealed for years to be finally revealed and offenders to be publicly condemned.

Published in British Isles

A review was launched into working practices at Amnesty International after two staff members, Gaetan Mootoo and Rosalind McGregor, committed suicide last year. The review found that ‘organisational culture and management failures’ were the root cause of deep staff unhappiness in Amnesty’s ‘toxic culture’ of workplace bullying. Their efforts to address its problems were described as ‘ad hoc, reactive, and inconsistent’, and the senior leadership team was described as out-of-touch, incompetent and callous. There was bullying, harassment, sexism, racism, and poor management. Decentralising the organisation from its global headquarters in London had caused unnecessary turmoil and compounded job pressures. Seven management team members acknowledged that there was a climate of tension and mistrust, and have offered to resign.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 November 2018 00:07

Uganda: Christian boy refuses to convert to Islam

Radical Muslims left a 12-year-old Christian boy unconscious recently, after threatening to strangle him unless he converted to Islam. Emmanuel Nyaiti was walking to his grandmother’s house 200 metres from his home in Moru village when four men ambushed him and took him to a plantation less than a mile away. The boy said he was able to identify two of the attackers. ‘Ali Lukuman tried to persuade me to become a Muslim, which I refused, and he slapped me and I started screaming’, Emmanuel said from his bed at Budaka Health Centre, his speech made difficult from strangulation. He was told, ‘If you want to stay with us in our village, then you have to become a Muslim. If not, then you have to leave.’ The assault was the latest of many which have been reported in eastern Uganda in the past six years. The country’s constitution and other laws provide for religious freedom, including the right to propagate one’s faith and convert from one faith to another. Muslims make up no more than 12 percent of the population.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 October 2018 00:32

Commons abuse 'tolerated and concealed'

Disturbing cases of bullying and sexual harassment have ‘long been tolerated and concealed’ in the House of Commons, according to a report by Dame Laura Cox QC, who said there was a culture of ‘deference, subservience, acquiescence and silence’. She said the procedures for protecting staff were inadequate, and that ‘broad cultural change’ was needed. The inquiry was commissioned following a BBC investigation earlier this year. Dame Laura described the House of Commons as a ‘stark reminder of how bad things used to be. No workplace is immune, but the culture in which it has been able to take hold in the House of Commons and the ineffective mechanisms for dealing with it make this a particularly serious case.’ Now that the nature and extent of the problem is exposed we can pray that all alleged sexual harassment by members of parliament is fairly dealt with according to new policies, procedures and personnel.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 March 2017 10:40

Bullying and abuse of vulnerable in UK

In January Ofsted reported that the Meadows Primary School in Bristol was ‘inadequate’ and that ‘racism and bullying have not been dealt with quickly enough.’ This is just one of many incidents where teachers have been found to use bullying techniques and language. Bullying also occurs in school playgrounds. Kind, loving, and funny 12-year-old Matthew was found hanged after being bullied at school. He is just one of many youngsters suffering bullying at school. A BBC File on 4 investigation found that more than 20,000 allegations of abuse by care home workers against the elderly and vulnerable have been made in the last three years. Of the claims 12,000 were of neglect, more than 3,000 were physical abuse, 2,400 were psychological abuse, 400 were sexual abuse. The vast majority related to the care of elderly people in their homes, most aged over 80. See and

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 February 2017 10:49

Transgender girl bullied at school

The mother of an 11-year-old transgender girl who was bullied at school claims that the school has not done enough to stop the bullying. She said that five months of escalating bullying has had a ‘terrible effect’ on her daughter, who had been physically attacked several times and was regularly abused and insulted. A statement from the school confirmed that a ball-bearing (BB) gun had been fired at a pupil. It added: ‘The matter has been treated very seriously, and the pupil who fired the gun has been permanently excluded. We wish to send a message out to our community that this behaviour is completely unacceptable and will result in removal from our school. We have enlisted the support of a national organisation to help us further with our training of staff and pupils and support for our transgender pupils. We have met with the parents of the pupil to apologise and to see what we can do further as a school.’

Published in British Isles
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