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Displaying items by tag: bovine tuberculosis

Thursday, 16 January 2020 21:14

Pray for the countryside

Bovine tuberculosis continues to devastate many herds of cattle, prompting deep divisions between different stakeholders as to the role of wildlife in spreading the disease. In the UK, in the 12 months up to September 2019, nearly 5.5% of registered herds were affected and 45,831 cattle were slaughtered, a 4.5% increase on the previous year. Pray for all affected, for government to be given wisdom in implementing effective control strategies and providing fair compensation, for reconciliation of different interest groups, and for ‘healing of the land’ (2 Chronicles 7:13-14). Also, in several issues last year we drew attention to the way the relative tranquility of Britain’s green and pleasant land, which is so appreciated by many townspeople, is being darkened by increasing crime, including domestic abuse, farm thefts and drug-dealing. Continue to pray for believers to shine as lights in the darkness. (Philippians 2:15)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 September 2019 10:35

Farming and the land

Bovine TB is a long-running and deep-seated issue which continues to impact deeply both livestock and the livelihoods, health and wellbeing of farmers. In 2018, despite sustained testing, in Wales alone over 11,000 animals were compulsorily slaughtered and the movement of a thousand herds was restricted. Opposing views over the role of wildlife in spreading bovine TB have prompted deep divisions since the mid-70s. A recent government review made several new recommendations, including those designed to give greater responsibility for disease control to farmers and vets. They have also begun working with environmentalists to develop new approaches to disease control. As the Government considers the review’s recommendations, pray for wisdom and open-mindedness so that effective and widely-supported control strategies can be developed.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 11 January 2019 11:50

Farming and the land

The NFU has a new strapline for 2019: ‘UK – a nation united by food’, underpinned by four pillars: Moral Imperative, Standards and Integrity, Health and Nutrition, and Respecting Nature. Excellent aspirations, but without acknowledging the Lord they are just nice ideas. Pray that God will cause our farmers and those in related industries to run to Jesus and trust Him for clarity and purpose. Pray for reconciliation, firstly between God and man, then amongst people, and finally in restoration for God’s creation (Isaiah 55:6). Bovine tuberculosis continues to devastate many herds of cattle across Britain. Controlling the epidemic is hugely controversial: the role badgers play in spreading the disease, and the effectiveness of badger culling, are hotly contested. Pray for understanding between different interest groups, and that new solutions currently being developed will be implemented effectively and help reconcile farming and food production, animal welfare and care for creation.

Published in British Isles