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Displaying items by tag: border problems

Thursday, 08 February 2024 22:30

USA: bipartisan immigration bills stalls

Joe Biden and Donald Trump are blaming each other for the stalling of a bipartisan immigration bill. Despite support from Democrats and Republicans, the measure has been rejected by Congress and faces growing opposition in the Senate. Biden accused Trump of exploiting the issue rather than solving it, while Trump's campaign blamed Biden's policies for chaos in American communities. The proposed bill aims to address the influx of undocumented immigrants at the southern border by allocating funds for border wall construction, expediting asylum decisions, limiting humanitarian parole, and expanding deportation authority. In addition to allocating $20bn for border funding, it includes major financial support for Ukraine and for Israel. Trump denounced the bill, claiming only ‘fools’ or ‘radical left Democrats’ would support it, and described his border policies as ‘the most secure in history’. The Republicans narrowly failed to impeach Biden's homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, blaming him for the recent surge in illegal migration: see

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 February 2019 00:24

Solving a border problem?

We hear doomsday predictions for what life after Brexit could look like. Pray for God to replace fear and confusion with appropriate preparations for the March deadline. Currently people must show their passports when crossing into or out of the UK, but commercial goods do not need to be checked if they are going to or coming from the EU. Britain needs to secure a free trade agreement with Brussels so that there is no need to harden and slow down the current border set-up, particularly between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Pray for Arlene Foster, whose ten MPs prop up Theresa May's minority government. Ask God to help negotiators to replace the current backstop with a workable solution. May the Brexit brains in the Government have imaginative and flexible thinking to work out a unique solution. See also Europe article 1.

Published in British Isles