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Displaying items by tag: beacons of light

Gatherings or expressions of prayer and worship occur daily throughout rural Britain, often focused on local ministry and needs. Quiet spaces, indoors and out, are offered for those seeking a place to be still in the presence of the Lord. Many are Christ-centred, but some mix or confuse beliefs and practices from other faiths, spirits and old pagan ways. We thank God for existing faithful prayer. Pray for greater connectedness amongst those praying and worshipping in our counties, and for regional or local clusters of believers to join together and support one another transcending traditional boundaries. Pray for a fuller, deeper revelation of the love of God and the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ as people pray. Pray for intentional prayer and worship to lift His name high and to see the spiritual climate change across our countryside, and for beacons of light and truth to be established in homes, hamlets and villages, the valleys and the hilltops, shining ever more brightly.

Published in British Isles