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Displaying items by tag: awaken the dawn

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:39

USA - Awaken the Dawn

On September 27-29, coinciding with the Feast of Tabernacles, ‘tent city’ gatherings of worship, music, prayer, and gospel proclamation were held simultaneously in hundreds of locations throughout the USA. Every state capital city, over 100 college and university campuses, plus Washington D.C, Puerto Rico and Jerusalem all participated in Tent America. We are convinced that our nation will never be the same again.

God is truly raising up a family that is carrying His culture, a culture that

will redesign our nation through the presence of God!

We are beyond grateful for all God has done in and through His beautiful people during Tent America, and we deeply desire to honor each and every one of you.

Awaken The Dawn would not be what is is -- without YOU.

Friends, your endless prayers, financial support, sacrificial laboring, vision casting, mobilizing and perpetual encouragement has moved His heart -- and the hearts of many.

Since Tent America, we've heard from multiple nations desiring to link arms!

The centrality of the presence of God is a revelation that is needed not only in our nation but in all nations!

Your 'yes' is producing much fruit!

After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: "Give thanks to the LORD, for his love endures forever."

A quick update on testimonies:

We are currently in the process of organizing and cataloging both written and recorded testimonies.

Here are just a few of many: 

50 hours of worship at over 150 sites all over the nation. Such an honor to partner with Awaken The Dawn to host our NC capital gathering. Hundreds of worshipers and intercessors rallied from across our state for an amazing weekend. We prayed in unity for revival in our state and nation. Our hearts were bonded in love and divine connections. Hundreds heard the Gospel on the streets of downtown Raleigh along with multiple physical healings. We all encountered God's presence and will never be the same!!! Jesus is worthy!' - Matthew Lilley

We had 75 people hit the streets of Tallahassee tonight and share of the love of Jesus. At 25 people gave their hearts to the Lord and people where healed and set free! A team from Celebration Baptist prayer walked the streets and prayed for the ending of human trafficking. Tent America has been so awesome!

- Awaken The Dawn Florida

'We had seventy total workers that went out during our three Tent America outreaches. Five people put their faith in Jesus for the first time!! Dozens of believers who had backslidden prayed a prayer of repentance. Around 350 people heard the Gospel!  There were multiple physical healings - pain was instantaneously leaving people's bodies! One person's injured foot was healed. They felt heat on their foot as God was touching them. The heat was so intense that the person's shoe even got hot. God was moving miraculously! We are thanking God that a bluegrass festival was happening in downtown Raleigh the same weekend, which provided us hundreds of people on the streets to whom we could minister.  May every seed that was sown bear fruit!'

- Awaken The Dawn North Carolina

So, again... Thank you for your heart for Jesus- and for your willingness to link arms with us in this hour. 

YOU are greatly, greatly valued.

We believe 2019, 2020 and beyond will be just as historic as Kingdom family continues to form, impart, and unashamedly demonstrate the beauty and worth of Jesus. 

More updates will be coming your way in the week’s ahead, as we seek the Lord together in our next steps.  Our goal is simply to hear His heart for His people, and obey! As we do so, your patience, feedback, and continued prayers are very much appreciated. 

Looking forward to the miraculous things that God is going to do in this nation, and in the nations.

Testimonies? Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Questions? Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

For the worth of Jesus,

Awaken the Dawn

Thank you for your willingness to pray for this unprecedented moment. It is our longing to meet face-to-face with Him on the National Mall. This is America’s Tent of Meetings.

It is our conviction that we must pray like never before as we approach this holy moment before Him. We do not want to show up empty handed. Rather we pray for grace to mobilize a prayer movement now to cover this gathering. What is prayed in secret today before the Father will be seen by all on the National Mall come October.

We want to invite you to pray into these seven themes for Awaken the Dawn.


The Tent of Meetings represent the raw, unfiltered presence of God, unrestrained by cultural norms—extending an invitation to weak men and women to cry out to meet with Him, face-to-face. This is the cry that must arise from the generations as we tabernacle together on the National Mall: We want to meet with you face-to-face!

PRAY: John 1:14 declares that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”—we want Jesus to tabernacle among us on the National Mall in His full splendor.


The “procession of my God, my King” (Psalms 68:24) is a procession of musicians, singers, worship leaders, evangelists and simply laid down lovers of Jesus from all 50 states converging on the National Mall for America’s Tent of Meetings. Each person in this procession is bringing an offering before the Lord—their very own lives as a “living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1) unto the Lord. It will be a procession for the ages: men and women; young and old;

PRAY: Singers, musicians, and worship leaders will respond to this unprecedented call of God to tabernacle before the Lord as they represent their state on the National Mall, and for thousands of praying women to gather at The Call on October 9th.


In the midst of crying out to meet with Him face-to-face is the need to encounter Him afresh. This is nothing short of the beauty of Jesus unveiled to the human heart. The revelation of the beauty of Jesus causes the human heart to surrender all to His worthiness.

PRAY: The Spirit of wisdom and revelation will unveil the beauty of Jesus to the hearts of this generation.


We are going to gather around the indescribable worth of Jesus. The only thing that is adequate to fully communicate His worth is the full surrender of the human heart to Him.

It is our longing to summon a generation to the National Mall to express even out of our weakness the worth that is ascribed to Him—and Him alone!

PRAY: Revelation of His worth—the inexpressible glory of the God-Man, Christ Jesus would be multiplied within the hearts of all.


The worth of Jesus compels us out of love to surrender all. Surrender involves sacrifice.

A broken woman broke her alabaster jar containing expensive ointment to anoint Jesus’s feet—this was a love motivated sacrifice. Love sees no sacrifice too great for the One who sacrificed all for us.

PRAY: One aspect of sacrificial love that we must humbly share is the need for financial provision to pull off a gathering of this magnitude. Please pray for surrendered hearts to lavish sacrifices of love at the feet of Jesus.


Jesus responded to the countercultural revolution of the sixties with his own revolution:

The Jesus Movement. This unprecedented move of God galvanized a disillusioned generation into the heartbeat of God. Today we are contending for the unveiling of the beauty of Jesus coupled with the demonstration of signs and wonders to awaken a generation unto the worth of Jesus. There is no backup plan. Only one antidote in this hour will work: the worth of Jesus burning in the heart of the Millennial Generation.

PRAY: Cry out to the Father for a new Jesus Movement to apprehend and capture the heart of the Millennial Generation. Declare Acts 4:30 over this generation: “Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”


Missions movements historically follow a genuine move of the Spirit as sons and daughters surrender their lives to make Christ known to the ends of the earth. Many in this hour are praying Matthew 9:38—“therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

PRAY: To the Lord of the harvest to send forth—ekballo—laborers into his harvest fields.

Organizers of the Awaken the Dawn  http://www.awakenthedawn.org

Pray for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on each of the 50 plus prayer and worship tents representing all 50 states of the USA. May this lead to a Third Great Awakening that with the revival and transformation of American society and government that so many have been seeking God for!