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Displaying items by tag: alleged counterfeit religion

Friday, 09 March 2018 09:53

Rwandan government closes 700 churches

700 churches in Rwanda have been closed in a mass government clampdown. The board which monitors public and private organisations said, 'Some churches conduct worship services in shoddy, unclean structures, to the detriment of health and safety. Noise pollution has been reported, and some operate without the required operation permits.’ Pentecostal churches run by charismatic preachers claiming to hear directly from God or saying they can perform miracles have spread rapidly, and many operate out of tiny structures without planning permission. In order to start a church in Rwanda a pastor needs a government certificate that expires after one year. A new law will make it more difficult for a person to call themselves a preacher and start a new church without any theological training. Some preachers 'deceive their congregation with misleading sermons'. However the authorities are accused of trying to control preachers’ messages, in a country often accused of stifling free speech.

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