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Displaying items by tag: alcoholism

Thursday, 27 August 2020 21:41

‘I became alcoholic during lockdown’

Before lockdown Chris enjoyed nights out with friends and going to football. Alcohol played a part in his life but was no problem. ‘I was in a good place before lockdown, I was keeping fit, swimming five days a week, doing well at work and in a good mind-set.’ His daughter moved out during lockdown, leaving him living on his own - isolated, anxious, uncertain about the future and growing increasingly depressed. Within weeks Chris went from being someone who enjoyed a drink to someone who needed a drink, and began experiencing withdrawal symptoms. ‘I wanted to cut down and stop, but I wasn't in control, that was frightening.’ But with help and encouragement of his family and a rehabilitation service he's been sober for over 70 days, determined to lay his demons to rest. Rehab agencies report a 500% increase in calls since lockdown.

Published in British Isles