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Displaying items by tag: Zambia

Friday, 26 May 2023 00:07

Zambia shaken with the gospel

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda’s Facebook post on 10 May stated: 11 crusades, 11 cities in Zambia in two weeks. 55 meetings, resulting in over one million documented decisions for Christ! Countless miracle healings! An entire nation shaken with the Gospel! In a YouTube video, Daniel shared, ‘Souls have been saved, healings have taken place, and hearts have been transformed through powerful corporate worship.’ In one testimony on GOD TV a man wheelchair bound for 13 years joined the crusade and was healed. He walked again. The evangelist said. ‘The power of God was felt by everyone as they witnessed the miracle of this man walking to the stage and leaving his wheelchair behind. God wants to save His lost children.’ May this good news remind us that God is alive. 

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 September 2022 23:19

'It's like God is speaking our language’

Most of us cannot imagine not having a Bible in the language we speak. But that reality for millions is pushing Bible translators to find new and faster ways to get scripture to every corner of the world. Wycliffe Associates is partnering with churches in distant countries and seeing an explosion of life-changing activity as a result. There are over 5,000 people working in Zambia right now, translating the Bible into 20 native languages. Bishop Henry Mumba‘s first memory of the Bible was hearing the gospel verse John 3:16. When CBN News visited, churchgoers in Mansa, Zambia, were reading and hearing the New Testament in Aushi, their mother tongue, for the very first time. After the Bible reading, there was dancing. ‘It's like God is speaking our language.’ Mumba said.

Published in Praise Reports
Wednesday, 15 December 2021 21:41

Zambian village believed for more - and got it

The villagers of Lihukwa used to fish the local rivers, but this barely provided them with enough food or income to survive. Families went hungry, there was no school or hospital, and accessing essential supplies was challenging. Pastor Teddy Chinyama visited the village and began offering Bible study. Then, as he got to know the villagers, he taught them how to use the land God had given them and trained them in growing a variety of crops. They began to hope for a better life, and transformation began. They successfully petitioned the local council to set up a health clinic and support the construction of a new school. New projects are springing up all the time. The villagers now grow their own food and sell vegetables at the market. People are now able to afford what they need, and hunger is a thing of the past.

Published in Praise Reports