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Displaying items by tag: Zafar Bhatti

Thursday, 19 May 2022 23:44

Pakistan: pray for Pastor Zafar

Zafar Bhatti, Pakistan’s longest serving blasphemy convict (he has been in prison for ten years) had his life sentence increased to hanging in January 2022 - even though every piece of physical and electronic evidence suggests his innocence. His conviction was based on an unsubstantiated report made by police in the early stages of their investigation, when he was beaten into a false confession. He could be killed any day, and is being denied bail on health grounds despite substantial health concerns. Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy laws are evidently being used as a tool for discrimination against a Christian pastor. Staff gave him tablets for diabetes which caused pain and vomit with traces of blood. Doctors changed his medicine and the side-effects stopped. But now (14 May) he has a huge swelling in his left leg, from his feet to the top of his thigh. British Asian Christian Association (BACA) is supporting Zafar and his wife while they suffer the ignominy of this unfounded blasphemy conviction.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 27 January 2022 20:09

Pakistan: Christian sentenced to death

Zafar Bhatti, a Pakistani Christian, was convicted of ‘blasphemy’ in 2017 and sentenced to life in jail. He has fought to clear his name since then, but an appeal court sentenced him to death on 3 January. It not only upheld his conviction but also ruled that the proper sentence for ‘blasphemy against Muhammad’ was death, not life imprisonment. The ruling was based on a 1991 constitutional court decision. Zafar’s legal representatives will appeal against both the death penalty and the original conviction. He was convicted of ‘blasphemy’ for allegedly sending texts insulting Muhammad on a phone that was not registered in his name. He has always denied the allegations. He has suffered a heart attack in prison, and there are serious concerns for his deteriorating physical and mental health. Pray for God to restore his mental and physical health.

Published in Worldwide