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Displaying items by tag: YouGov poll

YouGov's latest election model projects the Conservative Party winning just 108 seats, marking the lowest total in its history, and a 32-seat drop from just two weeks ago. Labour is set to gain 425 seats, a significant increase of 125 from the 2019 election, positioning them for a substantial majority. The model predicts that the SNP will become the second-largest Scottish party with 42 seats, and the Liberal Democrats will achieve their best-ever result with 67 seats. Reform UK, led by Nigel Farage, is projected to secure five seats, while the Greens are set to win two seats. Labour's projected success extends across both urban and rural areas, notably becoming the largest party in traditionally Conservative regions such as the South East and South West. This dramatic shift potentially indicates a significant realignment in the political landscape, with the Conservatives facing unprecedented losses and Labour poised for a commanding parliamentary presence.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 04 May 2023 22:13

Scotland: views and traditions of coronation

According to a YouGov poll, almost three-quarters of people in Scotland do not care about the coronation, and only 46% think that Britain should continue to have a monarchy in future, with 40% saying it should have an elected head of state instead. The poll of 1,032 people between 17 and 20 April found that 44% of respondents have a positive view of the royal family in general, 47% have a negative view, and the remainder do not know. See Scotland’s centuries old Stone of Destiny is an important traditional part of the coronation service. It was transported from Edinburgh to be set into the coronation throne on which the King will sit when he is crowned.

Published in British Isles