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Displaying items by tag: Wuhan coverup

Friday, 17 May 2024 11:57

China: jailed Wuhan reporter is missing

Zhang Zhan, a journalist imprisoned for reporting the truth about the early days of the Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan, has gone missing after her scheduled release from Shanghai women’s prison. She served a four-year sentence but her current whereabouts are unknown. Her family’s reluctance to provide information suggests they are under pressure from the authorities. Zhang risked her life to travel from Shanghai to Wuhan on 1 February 2020, documenting the severe conditions in hospitals and crematoriums through livestream videos. Her reporting, which contradicted the official narrative, led to her detention in May 2020. She was charged with 'picking quarrels and provoking trouble’, a common tactic used to silence journalists and dissidents in China. Zhang’s real 'crime' was exposing truths that the Chinese regime wanted to hide, particularly about its handling of the pandemic. There are widespread demands for the government to disclose her whereabouts and prove she is safe; one campaigner says that this case highlights the regime's paranoia and censorship and that Zhang should never have been imprisoned for her reporting.

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