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Displaying items by tag: Weather Impact on Farmers

Friday, 04 August 2023 05:30

Weather impact on harvesting crops

Meteorologists predict wet weather until September see, and this has a very real impact on farmers. The Farming Forum reported, ‘In this post, we shed light on the critical issues faced by farmers and their potential implications on cereal crops. Excessive rain has caused significant losses to the wheat harvest. When grains become wet and drop to the ground, they become challenging to collect efficiently. This leads to an increase in wastage and financial strain for farmers. Wet conditions make it almost impossible to harvest, so farmers must use specialised, incredibly costly headers, making it labour-intensive and time-consuming. High moisture content in wheat and grain makes it difficult to preserve quality. Cereal with 16% moisture content risks contamination by mycotoxins, a potential health risk. Moist cereal crops blown over by wind creates mould growth. This threatens the quality of the cereals and poses health risks for both humans and livestock.’

Published in British Isles