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Displaying items by tag: Wayne Goddard

Friday, 19 April 2019 15:43

Two missionaries killed

Missionary Wayne Goddard was killed in Paraguay last week. He was a faithful man of God and died after being assaulted by armed men in the village where he was serving the Ava Guaraní and Paī Tavyterã peoples. Since 1994 he had served with Misión a Nuevas Tribus en el Paraguay, telling people about Jesus. As news of his death reached the world, it is his family's desire to recognise the sacrifice he made as he followed our Lord in willing service. Meanwhile in Peru police are investigating another murder after the body of a British missionary, Paul McAuley, was found at the hostel he ran for indigenous students in Iquitos. Born in Portsmouth, the 71-year-old was an environmental activist and a lay brother of the Catholic De La Salle Brothers teaching order. He was awarded the MBE for his work.

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