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Displaying items by tag: UPRISING Youth and Children

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:57

UPRISING GLOBAL 2018 – Indonesia (WYPA)

Members of the IPC Leadership Team joined Pastor Jerome and Mrs Abel Ocampo and the organisers of regional United Prayer Rising events in Jakarta on 23rd and 24th January 2018 for a summit.

The purpose of the meeting was to report back on the recent events and plans for forthcoming gatherings. In particular, the group prayerfully explored the possibility of organizing a Global Uprising event in Jakarta during October 2018. The vision is to see 2,000 Indonesian young people meet up with a further 2,000 youth from the other nations of the world.

Pictured below are all the attendees with Pastor Niko from the Sentul ICC.

A recurring theme during the times of prayer and worship was Isaiah 43: 9-10 - “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” During a visit to the Sentul International Convention Centre Prayer Tower, the leaders had a sense that something extraordinarily new and exciting was about to happen that would blow our minds!

The group of young leaders agreed to form part of an Indonesia Dream Team that would input to the program planning processes for the Global Uprising. The provisional date of October 24-26 and the venue will be confirmed shortly.

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Please pray:

> For protection, wisdom, and for the right doors to continue to open for these young people who have dedicated time, energy and skills to the United Prayer Rising Events.

> For Pastor Andy Tjokro (Jakarta) as he co-ordinates the various planning teams for the Global Uprising.

> For substantial funds to be released to undergird the regional and global events planned for the next few years. (Mal 3:10)

> For the Manilla based team who support and direct the events under the leadership and guidance of Pastor Jerome Ocampo.

Saturday, 01 July 2017 05:20

Three Important Missions

In our last Connections, I updated you on the magnificent time many prayer and mission leaders had together at Herrnhut in early May. It was truly a life and ministry-changing event as we later heard from so many. One of those present who leads a large international mission effort said that it was “the most personally significant event” he had taken part in during 50 years of ministry. Another who leads a large prayer ministry said that he will be “forever changed” by what happened there. Thanks be to the Lord for how He brooded over us and inspired us during that anointed time together and also for your prayers that made such a vital difference!

I also believe that much of the reason we had such a powerful encounter with the Lord and one another is that we were focusing on three issues that are very much on His heart for this time in history. When you think about it, they are also deeply interrelated and interdependent. Therefore, if we go at all three of them together, a great deal of synergy will be released for His kingdom’s expansion around the world. It will be like the first atomic explosion that happened here in my native state of New Mexico at the site called “Trinity” on July 16th, 1945. Physicists and engineers from the secretive Manhattan Project were awestruck at the awesome, never before seen, combined forces that were released when “critical mass” was achieved. History was changed both in positive and awful ways for humanity as we entered the nuclear age, carrying a new incredibly powerful resource for either great good or maximum destruction.

We in the IPC want to be used of the Lord in facilitating progress in each of the three following directions mentioned once again below. They are all in and of themselves so valuable for the cause of Jesus Christ on earth. However, when joined together for our prayers and actions, we could reach a kind of “critical mass” spiritually. Connected closely, they are infinitely more forceful in advancing His kingdom, especially that overarching goal that everyone on earth may have the opportunity to experience His love and salvation, discovering their unique calling and destiny as human beings.

Would you please, therefore, join us in praying for the continued convergence of these three prayer and mission thrusts that are already being so greatly used of the Lord to bless our world? How can we increasingly flow together for maximum impact? How can these efforts be effectively coordinated and synergized for the greater purposes of God and the benefit of all!

Here is an excellent three-minute video that describes the impact of the Moravian prayer and mission movement from Herrnhut where we held last month’s consultation. It will help you to catch the heartbeat of what God did among us. Please share it with others and pray accordingly.

Video on Linking Prayer and Missions

“Spirit of the Moravians” Vision  on Vimeo  or 


Here are the three main emphases I believe we need to keep our hearts, minds, prayers and actions wrapped around going forward:

1) Reaching the unreached with the Gospel- Pray for the effective linking and coordination of prayer and mission efforts for finishing the task, adoption of every unengaged unreached people group in prayer and mission in the coming 5-10 years. Let’s pray especially for the “Finishing the Task” event in early December that will bring together hundreds from the mission agencies along with a significant group of prayer leaders for the first time. You can find out more about specific unreached people groups needing to be adopted at https://joshuaproject.net/ Please adopting one yourself as your own assignment to cover that group in prayer until they are reached.

2) Raising up the “now generation” of youth and children to find their unique missions in life and impact generations to come for Christ and His purposes. Pray that in the coming decade, we will see children and youth prayer movements develop, be connected, and strengthened in every nation on earth (they are probably going in one-third of the nations so far). The Children in Prayer movement and the international team coordinating this effort and the UPRISING youth prayer movement with their team are both extending this crucial vision for the raising up of the Now Generation vision. Please pray for His provision, guidance, unity and wisdom for the leaders of both these movements.

3) Transformational prayer for breakthroughs in the socio-political realms (global institutions like the UN, “Seven Mountains” cultural spheres, regional summits, national initiatives, wars and human suffering, authoritative prayer efforts for territorial deliverance). Please pray for prayer leaders and ministries targeting those challenging socio-political issues and institutions affecting life in our various nations and world. Pray for clear discernment, guidance and power from on high to pull down strongholds and drive out forces of spiritual darkness in His authority for atmosphere-changing breakthroughs that open peoples to the Gospel and bring about major transformations in favor of Kingdom values.

All of us can be personally involved in one or more of these three crucial directions for the global Body of Christ. May we each hear His specific call and find our unique place! As we pray and take action together, may there also be a divinely orchestrated convergence, a “critical mass” that the Lord will use to hasten both the transformation of our world and His return. Maranatha!

John Robb

IPC Chairman