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Displaying items by tag: UN peacekeepers

UN peacekeepers on the Israeli-Lebanese border are now more crucial than ever, according to their chief Jean-Pierre Lacroix. Cross-border fire between Israel and Hezbollah has increased, raising fears of a broader regional conflict. This concern grew following the recent killings of a top Hamas leader in Iran and a Hezbollah commander in Beirut. Lacroix emphasised UNIFIL's vital role as the only liaison between Israeli and Lebanese sides, helping to prevent misunderstandings and unintended escalations. UNIFIL, with 10,000 troops in southern Lebanon, conducts regular patrols and facilitates humanitarian efforts. Lacroix stated that peacekeepers would remain unless their mission becomes untenable or security threats become severe. He said a Gaza ceasefire is key to de-escalation on the Israeli-Lebanon border, to prevent further casualties and destruction. Meanwhile, several European countries have urged their nationals to leave Lebanon because of the increased threat of war: see

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 November 2023 09:05

DRC: UN peacekeepers agree to withdraw

After nearly two decades, the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Congo (MONUSCO) has signed an agreement to withdraw its 15,000 peacekeepers from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The foreign minister and MONUSCO's head finalised the deal, marking the end of a collaboration that struggled to bring lasting peace to eastern Congo, a region plagued by a long-standing conflict involving numerous armed groups, some backed by neighbouring countries. With upcoming elections in December, the conflict has taken centre stage, prompting the incumbent president Félix Tshisekedi, to call for the UN peacekeepers' accelerated withdrawal; the government has cited ‘unsatisfactory results’ to justify this request. Tensions between the UN mission and the local population have often flared, resulting in deadly protests. The exact timing of the withdrawal has not yet been agreed.

Published in Worldwide