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Displaying items by tag: Triplet prayer

"When we work, we work, but when we pray God works". "More things are wrought through prayer than this world dreams of" (Alfred Lord Tennyson – poet).

The success of any mission is in direct proportion to the amount of believing prayer that can be mobilised. Little prayer, little blessing. Much prayer, much blessing. Many have their stories of answered prayer, of God doing "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3.20). Let's share these to encourage people to pray more, to believe God for more and to engage with God on behalf of their unsaved friends and relatives.

Triplet prayer began in Scripture. Moses, Aaron and Hur prayed on the mountaintop during the battle against the Amalekites (Exodus 17). Jesus encouraged His disciples to pray in 2's and 3's (see Matthew 18.19-20), and showed by His own example how important this was by taking Peter, James & John with Him to pray on the mount of transfiguration and in Gethsemane. God seems to think in three's – the Son and the Holy Spirit intercede with the Father in prayer (see Romans 8.26 and 34)!

In more modern days Triplet praying was introduced as part of the preparation for Mission England in the 1980's. Over 30,000 groups came into being across England, with many thousands becoming followers of Jesus before Billy Graham began his preaching tour! Since then many nations across the world and many evangelists have incorporated triplet praying into their programme, with similar results.

Triplet prayer originally consisted of 3 people praying regularly together for three friends each, so that between them they were committed to praying for a total of nine people. They would pray for their known needs and especially for their conversion to Christ. These groups can be in your neighbourhood, or with school or college friends, or in your place of work. There have been triplet groups in old people's homes, and even in some prisons. People confined through age, illness or disability can participate – through telephone, skype or zoom calls.

If we genuinely wish to see our friends born again and God answer prayer in our spheres, then

  • the commitment to regular informed prayer for a set time each week,
  • the prayer of agreement with two others,
  • and the raising of our personal faith level and expectation

are all significant in preparing the lives of others for the seed of God's word to take root and bear fruit. It is also important if we want to see a change of spiritual atmosphere in our work-place. 

Things change when we pray together. Across the world there are many stories of this kind of thing happening.

"My work environment has changed since we started praying together, and some of my colleagues have become believers in Jesus." Business leader.

"The prayers of the youngsters from your church has had a significant impact on the school since they started praying every day". School headmaster

"I used to prayer-walk my community weekly with two young men. Both have ended up in full-time ministry" Christian leader

" Our community has changed since I and other children started to walk and pray regularly around it. All the prostitution has gone and it is now a safe place for us to play". Fifteen year old girl.

Brian Mills, Senior Advisor to the IPC