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Displaying items by tag: Tigray Rebels

The Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) have agreed to permanently end hostilities, in a significant step toward ending the grinding war that has seen thousands killed, millions displaced, and millions more in urgent need of food assistance after two years of conflict. Tigray rebels will eventually ‘disarm’ and have agreed on a detailed program of disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration for the TPLF combatants, taking into account the security situation on the ground. There will be ‘systematic, orderly, smooth and coordinated disarmament, restoration of services, unhindered access to humanitarian supplies, protection of civilians, especially women children and other vulnerable groups.’ The peace process has been fitful until now. The African Union (AU) representative said, ‘This is not the end of the peace process but the beginning of it.’ An AU high-level partner will be tasked with monitoring, supervising and implementation.

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