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Displaying items by tag: Tatmadaw

Thursday, 05 May 2022 23:44

Myanmar: soldiers deserting the army

People's Embrace is a Facebook page helping soldiers defect. The banner says 'Assistance to police and military personnel’. Myanmar is engulfed by an increasingly deadly civil war, which began when the Tatmadaw, the armed forces, seized power last year. Now, with hundreds of volunteers, an underground network armed with Facebook and Telegram accounts is helping disillusioned soldiers and police officers to defect. ‘We advertise on Facebook that those who want to leave should contact us on Telegram.’' said Mr Lay via an online link from an undisclosed location inside the country. With the Tatmadaw out to infiltrate their network, he is wary of divulging many specifics about how they operate, but several ex-Tatmadaw soldiers have broadly described how the operation works. These activities come with massive risks: if they were captured they would be executed. Myanmar's civil war has turned increasingly violent after the overthrow of the civilian government (NLD).

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 April 2022 04:31

Myanmar: Catholic Church raided by Tatmadaw

On April 8, in Mandalay, approximately 40 soldiers from the Burmese Army (Tatmadaw) raided Sacred Heart Cathedral during Lent preparations searching for gold, money and ‘hidden weapons.’ They held scores of worshippers hostage for hours, including Archbishop Marco Tin Win. They claimed to have been tipped off about weapons being hidden in the clergy centre. When the vicar general of the Archdiocese explained that the only money they had was donations raised for the poor, he too was pushed into the cathedral. The ongoing assaults against churches and religious leaders should not be ignored by the international community. They intimidate Christians, they also occupy, desecrate, and loot churches across Myanmar.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 April 2020 22:17

Burma: military bombs village

The Burmese military recently bombed Hnan Chaung village, in Chin State. Houses were burned down, seven civilians were killed (including two children, a mother and an infant), and at least eight others were injured. Fighting between the Arakan Army, an ethnic armed resistance group, and the Burmese military (named the Tatmadaw) had been ongoing for several days with gunfire and explosions. Two Tatmadaw jets bombed the village many times, damaging several churches. Also, a 53-year-old man was hospitalised after stepping on a landmine. During the coronavirus pandemic, human rights organisations and others are calling for a nationwide ceasefire in Burma, saying that everyone should focus efforts on fighting the virus and protecting the vulnerable, not fighting wars and killing civilians.

Published in Worldwide