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Displaying items by tag: T B Joshua

The BBC has exposed evidence of widespread abuse and torture by TB Joshua, the founder of one of the world's largest Christian evangelical churches, the Synagogue Church of All Nations. The two-year investigation revealed multiple eyewitness accounts of physical violence, torture, child abuse, and individuals being whipped and chained by him. Many women reported sexual assault, with some claiming repeated rape over the years within the compound. Forced abortions allegedly followed the rapes, with one woman claiming five terminations. Additionally, there were accounts of Joshua staging fake ‘miracle healings’ in broadcasts to millions worldwide. One British victim, Rae, shared her harrowing experience of being sexually assaulted, enduring solitary confinement for two years, and attempting suicide multiple times. The church did not respond to these allegations but has previously denied similar claims. Joshua died in 2021: his church, now led by his wife, still attracts pilgrims from around the world.

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