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Displaying items by tag: Suicide Act Debated in Courts

Friday, 12 July 2019 13:17

Euthanasia once again debated and discussed

In January 2017 Noel Conway, supported by Dignity in Dying, challenged the Suicide Act in the courts. The application was dismissed in October and went to appeal in May 2018 and was dismissed.The Divisional Court ruling was upheld in June 2018. On 27 November 2018, the Supreme Court declined to hear a further appeal, bringing the case to an end. Mr Conway went to the press on 4July telling the BBC that Assisted Dying laws are 'not fit for purpose’. He raised the issue of assisted dying again in the public arena on the day that assisted dying legislation was once again the theme of a parliamentary debate. Many advocates of legalised euthanasia are waiting for a new Parliament, hoping it would be more receptive to legal change, actioned by more persuasive campaigners on the ground. See

Published in British Isles