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Displaying items by tag: Spiritual Revolution

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:28

Bolivia: 'Spiritual Revolution'

Intercessors for Bolivia - “En la brecha por tuNacion” "In the gap for your Nation"

After Uprising Bolivia (Nov 29 – Dec 2, 2017) we have witnessed a spiritual revolution and a tsunami of convocations for fasting, praying and spiritual warfare training nationwide.  In order to maximize this amazing momentum and pray to God for a National Strategic Prayer Plan, we called the leaders from the different prayer networks that have attended these convocations and trainings during this year for a national unified gathering : "En la Brecha por tuNación / In the gap for your Nation", the summit took place in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia from November 8 to 10, 2018 .

This convocation gathered 230 prayer leaders from 28 different congregations and denominations  representing six cities : Cochabamba, La Paz, Sucre, Oruro, Tarija and Quillacollo . We also had a delegation of 5 leaders from Calama, Chile.

After a time of waiting on God’s presence, and praying over the words that God spoke to many during this year and during the meeting a Prayer Plan for Bolivia  was structured, believing that God will help the nation to enter in a new time of changes in all sectors of society.

Prayer strategies and Action plan:

  • Continue with the 24/7 prayer covering in the 9 departments of Bolivia
  • Prayer Vigils focused on the Unity of the Body of Christ
  • Fasting and Prayer Journeys in the 9 departments of Bolivia
  • National Altars of Worship and Intercession nationwide
  • Training more people to become involved as intercessors of the nation.
  • Identification of prayer efforts of distinct institutions to unite common points and bring solutions to Bolivia problems
  • Simultaneous Intercession in some strategic points in several cities of Bolivia.
  • Continue with the training of spiritual warfare and mapping of strongholds in the seven mountains of the Nation.
  • Bolivia - Plan for Identificational Repentance and Forgiveness
  • Prayer Guide indigenousgroups :Aymaras& Quechuas
  • Cooperate with the UPRISING Latin American movement

Prayer points:

  • Unity of the Body of Christ in Bolivia
  • Uprising of a Kingdom Army of prophetic warriors, intercessors,worshipers , missionaries in Bolivia
  • Pray for a spiritual and comprehensive reformation movement in Bolivia that includes the transformation of social, political, and economic spheres.
  • Pray for understanding of the church and national leaders about the destiny of the nation.
  • Pray for the reduction of the statistical indices of: violence, poverty, malnutrition, Illiteracy, infant mortality, demographic situation, fiscal and tributary problems, unemployment, social marginalization
  • Pray for an increase of the statistical indices of: housing, education, labor, social welfare, infrastructure, communications
  • Pray that Bolivia will experience and atmosphere of peace, security, political, social and religious freedom and prosperity.
  • Pray that God releases a spirit of reconciliation, adoption, repentance, confession, and restitution among the Bolivians .
  • Pray for the healing of the land.
  • Pray that Bolivia will be part of the GO2020 initiative.
  • Pray to reverse governmental laws supported by anthropologists, leftist politicians, Catholic priests that prohibit outreach of indigenous tribes: Aymaras& Quechuas.
  • Pray for "Transformation of the Holy Spirit" in the 7 areas of Bolivian culture: government, family, education, church, arts and entertainment, economy, and the media.

Judith Yanira González
International Prayer Council
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