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Displaying items by tag: Spiritled churches

In 2009, the UK's atheist bus ad campaign aimed to diminish the relevance of God but inadvertently spurred more spiritual dialogue. This misstep highlighted a broader decline in atheism and a resurgence in Christian movements, particularly Spirit-led churches, which are flourishing globally amidst a growing disenchantment with secularism. Despite the decline in mainstream church attendance and an increase in religiously unaffiliated individuals, vibrant new church plants are thriving, driven by a deep desire for authentic spiritual experiences. This growth is notable in Pentecostal congregations across South America, Africa, Asia, and even the UK, as observed by historian Tom Holland. The intellectual landscape is also shifting, with former critics of Christianity, like Peter Boghossian, moving away from aggressive atheism. Instead, they are now addressing the rise of 'woke' ideologies within academia. As atheism struggles to provide a fulfilling narrative, Christianity is attracting both intellectuals and the general populace by offering robust moral and existential answers. This renewed interest in the Christian faith is evident in various public expressions and increasing church involvement, signalling a significant cultural and spiritual shift.

Published in Praise Reports