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Displaying items by tag: Southwark declaration

Friday, 03 November 2017 11:54

Luther-style protest over gay relationships

A campaign targeting cathedrals around the UK is spreading off the back of the 31 October 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation when an Augustinian monk criticised some practices of the church. The Ninety-five Theses (propositions) were pinned to a noticeboard and later posted on the door of a German cathedral. A list of 'declarations', reminiscent of the reformation protest, is being pinned to cathedral doors by priests objecting to what they see as the CofE's liberal approach to same-sex relationships. St Paul's Cathedral and Southwark Cathedral were the first to have the ‘Southwark Declaration’ promoting conservative Anglican theology attached to their doors. Next, Hereford and Rochester Cathedrals were targeted in what is becoming a nationwide campaign. The campaigners are focusing on cathedrals which they perceive to have a liberal slant. The document, signed by over sixty priests, hopes to pressure bishops into maintaining a conservative approach to same-sex relationships.

Published in British Isles