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Displaying items by tag: South Atlantic

Thursday, 10 December 2020 20:14

South Georgia: huge iceberg threatens wildlife

Experts from around the world are anxiously monitoring the world’s largest iceberg - the size of Devon - as it creeps close to the shores of South Georgia, putting the lives of thousands of seals, penguins and other wildlife at risk. It is travelling towards a wildlife haven, a breeding ground for over a million animals. It is estimated to weigh one trillion tons and is only 200 metres deep, so it can get much closer to land before running aground. It is travelling at 1mph. Dr Andrew Fleming from the British Antarctic Survey, which has two monitoring stations on South Georgia, said, 'The next two to three weeks are going to be key in deciding whether the berg will hit South Georgia or narrowly miss it. The fact that it is still in one piece is unusual; it is the biggest iceberg in the world right now, and probably in the top five ever.'

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