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WHAT YOU MUST KNOW! Jaco Booyens On SkyWatch On Why Sex Trafficking Is Bigger Than Most Comprehend.

Every year, more than 3.2 million children in America are sex-trafficked, abused, abandoned, or neglected. Children as young as 9 years old are being bought and sold for sex in America with the average age of young girls being 13.

In addition to trafficking, one in seven Americans are sexually abused as children.

Tragically, 1,500 to 2,000 children die each year at the hands of those who are supposed to be their caretakers. And the remainder are often (sadly) disregarded or experience a combination of these abuses.

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUSAg66nwEw

YOU CAN HELP! PLEASE VISIT: https://www.skywatchtv.com/2019/05/02

Child Trafficking Victims:

  • Child trafficking victims, like other child victims, come from many backgrounds and include both boys and girls across a wide range of ages.
  • Children are trafficked to the U.S. from all regions of the world and represent a variety of different races, ethnic groups and religions.
  • They may be brought to the U.S. legally or smuggled in.
  • Internationally trafficked children, especially adolescents, may be lured overseas to the U.S. through the promise of work or school and the opportunity to send money back to their families.
  • Children are also vulnerable to kidnappers, pimps, and professional brokers.
  • Some children are sold to traffickers by their families, who may or may not have an understanding of what will happen to the child.
  • U.S. citizen children may also be trafficked within the U.S., and come from multiple racial groups and socio-economic backgrounds.

Click the link to read the Needs of Rescued Trafficking Victims: https://arkofhopeforchildren.org/child-trafficking/what-rescued-child-sex-trafficking-victims-need

Pray: for more resources for the police and authorities tasked with apprehending the traffickers and rescuing the victims.

Pray: for the male and female victims – for physical healing and the healing of memories.
Pray: for the non-profit agencies working with the victims of all ages.