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Displaying items by tag: Seizing Iranian AntiTank Missiles

Friday, 10 March 2023 03:55

Gulf of Oman: Great day to be a Royal Marine

The Royal Navy seized several Iranian anti-tank missiles and components for ballistic missiles in the Gulf of Oman. Britain’s HMS Lancaster gave a night-time high-speed chase, involving a Wildcat helicopter, tracking a speedboat which ignored radio calls demanding it to stop. The Royal Marines onboard searches found suspicious packages, which were screened then brought onto HMS Lancaster. The haul included Iranian versions of Russian 9M133 Kornet anti-tank guided missiles (known in Iran as Dehlavieh) and medium-range ballistic missile components. The chase started after an American drone spotted the suspect speedboat moving very quickly through international waters under the cover of darkness. Marine Si from 42 Commando at Plymouth was in the team boarding the skiff and recovering the arms haul. He said, ‘We suspected it would be a successful op. and we soon realised the importance of the interdiction as we uncovered more and more weapons - a great day to be a Royal Marine!’

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