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Displaying items by tag: Save the Children

Thursday, 18 November 2021 20:44

Afghanistan: famine conditions

The World Food Programme delivering food in Afghanistan said, ‘The Afghan people need our support now more than ever before. 1 in 3 people are hungry and 2 million children are malnourished. With drought, pandemic, and conflict, the food security situation will continue to worsen, and hunger will rise. Despite security and logistics challenges, we deliver food and nutrition assistance to people uprooted from their homes, but we need your help to reach more.’ We can pray for an increase in donations to this mission which has been in Afghanistan for almost sixty years. See Save The Children reported that more Afghan children are going hungry than ever before. Almost 14 million children are expected to face crisis this winter. These millions of children are hungry, cut off from aid supplies, out of school, and facing the threats of violence and the approaching winter. Temperatures can drop to -16 C on some nights.

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