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Displaying items by tag: Sarin

Thursday, 18 February 2021 20:46

Gulf War syndrome not caused by uranium

An illness suffered by soldiers who took part in the 1991 Gulf War was not caused by inhaling depleted uranium, according to a scientific study. Instead, researchers believe Gulf War syndrome may be due to soldiers being exposed to the nerve agent Sarin. The Royal British Legion said a lack of understanding of the condition has had a ‘serious impact’ on veterans. Around 250,000 Gulf War veterans could be living with the syndrome, which can cause symptoms such as insomnia and memory problems. Former soldier Kerry Fuller was a fit 26- year-old who loved outdoor activities before the war. He suffered a stroke at 40 and now says he is so ill, it is hard just to get out of bed. ‘My whole world and way of being changed just like that’, he said, ‘and there's no going back. The damage is done and my ailments are only getting worse. I think myself and the thousands of other veterans would just like an acknowledgment, and being able to access the correct treatment.’

Published in British Isles