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Displaying items by tag: SNP leadership candidates

Thursday, 23 February 2023 22:13

SNP leadership candidates

Humza Yousaf and Kate Forbes are leading candidates to be the next first minister. Kate Forbes said she would not have backed the Scottish government's bill to make it easier to change gender legally. At the heart of her identity is membership of the socially conservative Free Church of Scotland. As a Christian she believes marriage to be between a man and a woman, but she insists she would defend the law as ‘a servant of democracy.’ Mr Yousaf describes himself as a proud Muslim who will be fasting during Ramadan, which falls in the final week of the leadership campaign. He said that he does not legislate on the basis of his faith, and he has a track record of supporting gender reform, gay marriage, and buffer zones around abortion clinics. Ms Forbes also does not legislate on the basis of her faith, favouring votes of conscience. See also

Published in British Isles