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Displaying items by tag: Russian poisoning

Friday, 09 March 2018 10:37

Poisoning of two Russians - who and why?

Counterterrorism detectives have taken charge of an inquiry into the poisoning of Sergei Skripal, a Russian double agent, and his daughter Yulia. They collapsed in Salisbury, and remain in a critical condition in intensive care. Many fear it is a Kremlin-sponsored assassination attempt. On 7 March Boris Johnson said that Britain would respond ‘robustly’ if evidence of Russian state responsibility emerged. Meanwhile theories across the internet range from a vote-winning ploy two weeks before the Russian presidential elections to warning other Russian operatives of the risks when working with foreign intelligence agencies. Conspirators and traitors are rife in Russia. Last January, two Russian cybersecurity officials were arrested for aiding the CIA. Modern Russian spies are no longer lured by ideological reasons; it is more a case of western agencies providing financial incentives.

Published in British Isles