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Displaying items by tag: Royal Dutch Shell

Thursday, 24 May 2018 23:40

Church, climate change and petrochemicals

Investors, including the Church of England, are demanding that big oil companies take more concrete action to curb global warming. This week the Church Commissioners, who are Shell shareholders, said they would like to see ‘targets that are firmer, creating the necessary internal and external accountabilities, providing a clear impetus for action. Having a target provides us with the clarity we need to have an informed discussion with Shell’s board members about your response to the transition to a low carbon economy.’ They added, ‘We recognise that companies have been reluctant to set targets, expressing concern that they might constrain their ability to act and to take advantage of opportunities as they emerge. We do not agree with this argument.’ Last year Shell set a climate ambition, but did not state specific targets. See also

Published in British Isles